Jigsaw provides day to day care, support and activities to children and young people living with a life limiting illness. Care is provided in a home from home setting and each young person’s care is personalised towards their own needs.

KidSafe UK (Charity No: 1105179) founded in 2004 by Val Webb & Jude Walker, provides training to school staff in order for them to deliver Kidsafe specialised child protection / safeguarding programmes to children and young people from Early Years Foundation Stage through to High School.

Calvert trust:
The Calvert Trust enables people with disabilities, together with their families and friends, to achieve their potential through the challenge of outdoor adventure in the countryside.
We aim to do this by providing:
- A wide range of adventurous outdoor activities, meaningful challenge and adventure within a framework of safety
- Skilled, qualified and caring staff able to fulfil the needs of visitors
- Accommodation appropriate to the needs of the visitors
- Facilities for families and friends to share the enjoyment and experience

Cumbria Blood Bikes:
Cash for Kids responds to the needs of children in our communities so they can live life to the full and realise their individual potential.
Based across 22 areas in the UK, at the heart of your favourite radio stations, we support children aged 0-18 who are disabled, disadvantaged or suffering from abuse or neglect.

Cash for kids:
Cash for Kids responds to the needs of children in our communities so they can live life to the full and realise their individual potential.
Based across 22 areas in the UK, at the heart of your favourite radio stations, we support children aged 0-18 who are disabled, disadvantaged or suffering from abuse or neglect.
Women’s Refuge:
Refuge is committed to a world where domestic violence is not tolerated and where women and children can live in safety. They aim to empower women and children to rebuild their lives, free from violence and fear. They provide a range of life-saving and life-changing services, and a voice for the voiceless. Refuge supports more than 4,600 women, children and men on any given day* through a range of services, including refuges, independent advocacy, community outreach and culturally specific services.

Young carers:
Young Carers supports young people who care for a family member, parent or sibling, who suffers from chronic illness or disability

Winter warmth:
Winter Warmth makes grants to older people in Cumbria to help them stay warm and healthy through winter. It is funded by voluntary donations of the winter fuel allowance together with donations from individuals and businesses.
Charities Of The Year: